Thursday 30 August 2012

Planning My Newspaper - A short video

Over the summer, we as a class were required to begin planning the layout and content to our newspapers. We were given a small list of things to begin thinking about, and get our ideas written down in order to get a good head start on the planning of creation of our final products. 

The list included:

  • Detailed layouts for both pages - pencil sketches & more detailed mock ups using InDesign.
  • Title for paper with blogged justification of choices.
  • Headlines and notes on content of stories & articles.
  • Descriptions of photographs & adverts - captions are a good idea!
  • Timetable for shoots, casting notes, locations scouted etc.
In order to effectively show the progression of my planning and a little bit of my thought process, I decided to create a short video illustrating some of my planning work.
It records some basic mock up drawings of an idea of my layout, mind maps of potential titles for my publication, and other short clips of my work. 

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